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How to modify BiomeData ?

It it necessary to modify BiomeData in order to use  MiniaTuria Timber-Frames_mc1.7 (Biome Edition) . This page explains some of the methods to do it.

Please select   MiniaTuria Timber-Frames_

mc1.7_nb (Non-Biome Edition) , if you would like not to modify the biomes or when you can't prepare the conditions to do it for some reasons.

*The following descriptions suppose Minecraft 1.7.

 For Server 

 For Single Play 

 For Single Play 

 For Server 

 For Server 


by using WorldEdit

 For Server 

 For Single Play 

 //setbiome <biome name> 


Fix a range with the wand. (You can ignore the height as far as the biomes concern.)


Open the chat area and input  //setbiome <biome name> (forest, for exemple). Then you can put the forest biome in the fixed area.


​In case that textures don't change immediatly, re-login to the world, so they will change correctly.

Biomes list

for Timber-Frames (Biome Edition) :

jungle  forest  beach  desert  river

ocean  mesa  savanna  foresthills  deepocean  jungleedge  junglehills extremehills


by using MetaChanger

 For Single Play 

 Right click with BiomeSetter tool 

 Right or left click with BiomeCycler tool 

MetaChanger is the Mod which enables to modify both the metadata and the biomedata like the server plugin MetaCycler. Download webpage


Click the link above and go to the PlanetMinecraft page. Get the mod jar from download button (red marcked). And put it in mods folder (Forge is  necessary).


If the mod is correctly installed, MetaChanger page will appear in the second page of the item list. Put into Hotbar BiomeSetter tool (item like Ink Sac).


Shift + right click to some block with BiomeSetter, then a biome list will appear. Select a biome you want to set, and click "Select Biome".


Right click to some block with the tool, then the biome will change to the one you set. You can modify other areas to the same biome you set each time you click, so it seems the most useful in the Single play mode.



In additon, you can also use BiomeCycler tool (item like Blaze Rod).

Right or left click to some block with the rod, then biomes will change, revolving from one to the next.

​In case that textures don't change immediatly, re-login to the world, so they will change correctly.

Biomes list

for Timber-Frames (Biome Edition) :

jungle  forest  beach  desert  river

ocean  mesa  savanna  foresthills  deepocean  jungleedge  junglehills extremehills


by using BiomeEdit

 For Server 

 /biome brush <biome name> round <size>   

 with Dead Bush 


Here show only how to make a biome brush. Take Dead Bush, open chat and input  /biome brush <biome name> round <size> . (forest, 3 for exemple)


With this brush, right click to somewhere you want to modify biomes.


- Brush shapes : round or square.

- Size 0 = 1 block size (so useful!)

​* range image in the screenshot is an effect of WorldEditCUI Mod.

Biomes list

for Timber-Frames (Biome Edition) :

jungle  forest  beach  desert  river

ocean  mesa  savanna  foresthills  deepocean  jungleedge  junglehills extremehills


by using MetaCycler

 For Server 

 Click with Blaze Rod or Ghast Tear 

Right or left click to some block with Blaze Rod or Ghast Tear, then then biomes will change in this grid, turning from one to the next. 

Shift + left click: copy the biome data

Shift + right click: paste it

Biomes list

for Timber-Frames (Biome Edition) :

jungle  forest  beach  desert  river

ocean  mesa  savanna  foresthills  deepocean  jungleedge  junglehills extremehills

Copyright (C) 2017 MiniaTuria Timber-Frames all rights reserved.

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